Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Impact of brands names such as Levis, McDonald,Starbucks,Disney on Essay

Impact of brands names such as Levis, McDonald,Starbucks,Disney on consumer - Essay Example Different companies use different ways to create strong brands for their products. Among the most successful brand names use pricing, production, promotion or place development or a combination of all these elements to have a strong market presence. This research seeks to identify the impact of brand names such as the Levis, McDonalds, Starbucks, and Disney on the consumer by using branding strategies such as pricing, production, promotion, and development place. Levis For over a long period, Levis, a jeans manufacturing company has made a name for its self, cutting an edge in the clothing industry. Not only does that the company boast of a quality garments, it also has a high market presence ("Levi Strauss & Co"  2). By making sure that it is a global product, it makes it sure, that its customers can assess the great brand from any particular part of the world (Mortimer et al. 90). With an increase in the level of competition in the clothes industry, having as strong brand is the only means of winning a competitive edge over other companies in the business. The market mix of the brand, by offering high quality products, also matches this with the pricing. Levis makes sure that the customers acquire top quality from the apparel industry, especially for their originality and integrity (Doorey 592). Quality, coupled with pricing wins the hearts of the customers, earning the company a larger market share than other companies (Healey, 12). Part of its marketing strategy is identification, which seeks to make sure that kids identify themselves as being â€Å"cool.† As such, it makes sure that its products, though having an innovative pricing strategy, are affordable to the people. However, it does not price its commodities very low, as there is an association between low pricing with poor quality products by customers. The aggressiveness with which Levis markets its products and the coolness identification among the peers is one of the main reasons for the company’s success in the clothes industry ("Levi Strauss & Co† 6). Being a jeans manufacturing company, Levis targets the youth, a market ready to purchase its products, especially due to the recognition of wearing a Levis brand. McDonalds Everybody knows of the McDonalds fast foods restaurant, whether they eat fast foods or not. For most of the people who love fast foods, they are passionate about McDonalds. With its heavy presence among major towns in the country, and the quality of its products, people feel compelled to eat from one of its restaurants (Min and Hyesung 288). The proximity of these eateries to their customers and the quality products they have to offer gives the company customer preference over other fast businesses (Pike 22). Walking into a McDonald’s restaurant, a customer receives everything they need, from food to soft drinks and snacks (Thomadsen 794). McDonalds could have a price higher than most of other companies in the business, but its association with quality give it a competitive edge makes the brand more attractive than other brands in the market. People associate with McDonalds, describing their loyalty to the brand, and as such, prefer eating from the restaurant to other restaurants. Starbucks The giant coffee restaurant has earned a name for its self for providing the best quality coffee

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